Monday, April 21, 2008

Planting Season

April 21, 2008

Planting Season.

We’re all across the country these days getting ready for a new season of America’s Heartland. Jason Shoultz was just in Minnesota where he did a story on a community where turkey litter is being converted to electricity. He also captured a wonderful story about a woman whose rural art features the plants and animals that are iconic to America’s Heartland. We’ll be heading across the Midwest and Southeast very soon as planting begins on corn, wheat, soybeans and sorghum. It’s been a late season for planting in some areas thanks to spring snow and lots of rain that keep the fields too wet to plow. I was just shooting some stories in Texas where the cotton crop is just going in. We also did a story on Texas winemaking. Texas wine? As one grower told me, “In this part of Texas we have cotton, we have cattle and we have cabernet.” They are moving into viticulture in a big...big way. But hey, it’s Texas. This will be our fourth season and we did a back of the envelope tally and came up with close to 350 stories that we’ve shot and produced for our viewers on PBS and RFD TV. A lot of people love the visuals...wide open spaces...fields of dark soil on the plains....and we’re shooting the new season in High Definition, so those images should be even more striking in season four.
Jim Finnerty
Series Producer
America’s Heartland