Monday, September 22, 2008

Season Four is Underway

We've been hard at work over the past several months...and you finally have the opportunity to see the fruits of our labor.

Season 4 is now high definition. I hope you'll enjoy watching the stories this season as much as I did putting them together.

Here are a few highlights from my travels:

- Beer-sampling in Minnesota. The good folks at Schell's Beer in New Ulm, Minnesota showed us around their historic brewhouse. It's been in the family for several generations, and they are darn proud of their brew. My only mistake was doing the sampling BEFORE the interview with the president of the company. Not all of the questions made sense!

- Visiting the world's largest balls of twine. Yes there are two of them. A town in Kansas and a town in Minnesota both lay claim to the title of possessing the giant twine balls. "One has to be bigger, right?" is bigger, but by using some interesting stipulations they both get the title.

- Clams from Florida's "Alligator Harbor." What is it about Florida and alligators? For some reason I always end up hanging around them when I visit that fine state. This time chef Chris Hastings from the "Hot and Hot Fish Club" in Birmingham, Alabama introduced us to some interesting clammers. Then he cooked up a fantastic paella dish with all local ingredients. Good stuff.

So there's a small sample of what to expect from me this season. We really do appreciate the loyal viewers who tune in each week. You're support keeps this show going strong!

